Thursday, April 27, 2006
You scored as Evidentialist.
You are an evidentialist! Apologetics primarily consists in showing the good reasons one has to believe the claims of Christianity. You consistently confound unbelievers with your knowledge of history, science, and Bayesian computation that you learned from John Warwick Montgomery, Gary Habermas, and Richard Swinburne.
70% -- Evidentialist
57% -- Fideist
53% -- Reformed/Presuppositional Apologist
40% -- Classical Apologist
7% --- Atheist
I suspect that the quiz found here has already made its way around, but I just found it. I am surprised to discover that I am 7% atheist. I guess we all have our doubts...Spirit willing, flesh weak and all that.
But...should Lutherans be advocates of "evidentiary apologetics"? More to follow...
posted by Kepler at 16:44 |
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Post a CommentAt 4/28/2006 02:05:00 PM, Sean
to your final question, I think not Kepler. My senior year of high school religion class was all about apologetics. They said that "be prepared to give an answer for the reason for the hope that you have" meant that Lutherans had to be prepared to be apologists in the evidential sense. "Case for Christ" was our textbook. I also got involved in some online message boards on the topic as a result. Lots of conversation. lots of arguement. Not much emphasis on Word, Sacrament, or Spirit. Who cares if you can prove the existence or strong possibility of God? can one prove anything "For me"? Nope.
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